San Diego Comic Con 2012 (Friday) – Report, Pics, and Vids

While this was a Robert Downey, Jr. impersonator, the real RDJ was there.

So I’ve been holding off on this for a little while, but I guess I should get going on my reports! I would make one big post, but I think I will break them out day by day.

I’ll try not to make it too long, but there is no experience like San Diego Comic Con.  This was my second year and I had just as much fun, but the overall experience felt different.  And it’s for this reason that people come back again and again…if you can survive the badge process of course.

I’ll spare you the details of Thursday since I already wrote about it.  I’ll just move on to Friday:

Just a piece of advice for those of you who would like to go one of these days; become well acquainted with lines.  I’m talking about super long lines (there’s 135,000 people there after all, what do you expect?).  Many people will camp out for days for a major celebrity panel, and one lady even died waiting for the Twilight panel.  As for me, I paid hundreds of dollars per night for a swanky room (in a hotel where the celebs stay; we caught Stan Lee coming out of the elevator), so I damn sure planned to use it every night, and I did. There’s a price to pay for this, however.  I was determined to get into the infamous Hall H this year and I did…after a good 6-7 hour wait.  If you’re willing to sacrifice most of your day for something big, that’s up to you. But I promise there are tons of little things to do as well. You certainly have enough to keep you entertained.

Luckily I was able to get into the Resident Evil and Total Recall panels.  I was SO CLOSE to giving up so that I could make the Spartacus panel, but it all worked out!

Resident Evil

I know people are confused as to why they would make yet another RE film, but considering the 4th movie made more than its predecessors I can see their reasoning.  One of the Comic Con benefits is that we get exclusive previews for some of these releases. And based on what I saw (they presented it in 3D), I think it’s got potential to be pretty awesome! I took some video of Milla Jovavich and Michelle Rodriguez.

A fan asked about awesome ass kicking females in cinema, stating that Milla pioneered the trend:

Milla also talks a bit about her character:

While the sequel trend gets tiresome, I think this will be worth a watch.

Total Recall

I’m a fan of the original, cheesy and dated sets and all.  But after the exclusive preview here I am completely on board with giving this movie a chance. It. Looks. AMAZING! Even Colin Farrell was impressed (since he obviously spent most of his time in a green room).

The banter with Kate Beckinsale was amusing. “It’s nice to be able to open up the crazy a little bit”


I posted tons of videos for this one, but I know the one you’ll all love most is Manu Bennett (aka Crixus) going shirtless, lol.

He was a riot that whole time by the way, so I recommend you check out all of the videos.  I’m a little sad that the show is ending, but it looks like it will go out on a high note and the cast is actually pretty upbeat about it.  Manu was sporting a shirt to market the documentary of Andy Whitfield (the original Spartacus actor who died of cancer last year) and there was tons of support for this.  Andy is still deeply missed. Here are links to the rest of the panel:

Feel free to check my channel for additional videos. You’ll be there for a while, just FYI.

6 responses

  1. Cheri Whitehouse

    Great vids girl! I’m so jealous.

    July 27, 2012 at 12:18 AM

    • Thanks, Cheri!

      July 30, 2012 at 10:52 PM

  2. thanks for taking the time to post these. One day I will get there! 🙂

    July 27, 2012 at 8:59 AM

    • Thanks, Sharon! That’s the spirit! Everybody should go ONCE in their lives, lol.

      July 30, 2012 at 10:52 PM

  3. I hope to go to SDCC one these days. I can’t wait to get home to check out your videos. My work laptop blocks them all. >=[

    July 27, 2012 at 12:09 PM

    • Hope you like them, Mello!

      July 30, 2012 at 10:53 PM

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