Warm Bodies – Readable and re-Readable, hope the movie is just as watchable! I’m going to see the film TONIGHT!!

warm bodies, isaac marionI’ll be honest and say that I really hadn’t heard much about this book before seeing the motion picture preview; it looked really funny and campy. I’m always up for a good zombie satire (I’m a big Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland fan), but in this case I wanted to read the book as well. Why not? It’s only 240 pages.  Certainly doable.  And boy am I glad I did.  It’s a refreshing take on the genre that you may want to read time and time again.

We’ve become so accustomed to vampires, werewolves and the like dominating as love interests in paranormal/urban fantasy realm. We may get the occasional demon or angel, but rarely do we see zombies fill that role, and for good reason.  It’s really not that hott when the guy is rotting away and wants to take chunks out of you.  But after reading this novel, Isaac Marion proves that he not only knows the rules, but he knows how to break them too.  We have the initially subtle star crossed lover feel as R, our zombie in question, falls for a human girl and finds himself becoming a little more human himself as they spend more time together.  Yeah, he has the usual craving for brains, as do all zombies, but something deep inside of him yearns for more that that–and no, it’s not more guts. He’s the most cultured zombie you’re going to find, loving music, collecting souvenirs, and riding escalators.  Believe me, it sounds ridiculous but I really thought it worked here.

Though it’s not as funny as I thought it would be, it’s well-written with an existential quality that makes me understand why it’s become a big screen adaptation (though that ain’t always the case).  And lucky me, I actually have movie passes to see an advanced screening of the film TONIGHT!  It’s not officially out until February of next year, but I’m not complaining. I finished the book wanting to see the movie right away.  And then I learned about the screening! If only my luck were good enough to hit the lottery! But I digress.  After enjoying the book so much I’m now super excited.  They’ve made some obvious changes, but I think it will work here.

If you’re a zombie fan who doesn’t mind a deviation from the norm, this is the book for you!

4 responses

  1. Dang, girl! Another one for my TBR. I always enjoy a switch out of the usual. And it’ll be intriguing to read how he pulls this off. Riding on escalators??? So how was the movie?

    December 12, 2012 at 3:35 AM

  2. After seeing the trailer I also put it in my TBR list for 2013, I´m glad the book sounds as good as the movie looks.

    December 12, 2012 at 2:00 PM

  3. Rachel

    It was a wicked adorable story. I wish Tim Burton would have done a clay-mation of it. 🙂

    December 18, 2012 at 7:15 AM

  4. Pingback: 2012 Year in Review!! My top books and series of the year! « Your Urban Fantasy

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